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The Forest & Range Practices Act

The Forest & Range Practices Act (FRPA) outlines how all forest and range practices and resource-based activities are to be conducted on Crown land in B.C., while ensuring protection of everything in and on them, such as  plants, animals and ecosystems.

All forest and range licensees' activities are governed by FRPA and its regulations during all stages of planning, road building, logging, reforestation and/or grazing.

FRPA standards and requirements ensure high levels of protection for resource values while streamlining planning processes for both government and industry.

  • Bill 21 - The Forest & Range Practices Amendment Act - was passed in 2019 with no First Nations input or involvement.

"There is a need to move from management for volume, to management for values - to better manage for water, wildlife, biodiversity, cultural values, and non-timber forest resources"
- Click here to read the full interior renewal recommendations report

Call-out for First Nations input

The Province has cancelled all Forests and Lands Stewardship Workshops that were scheduled to engage First Nations on proposed changes to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) and supporting regulations. 

To best ensure that all further changes include First Nations input, the BC First Nations Forestry Council is compiling feedback from First Nations to inform a recommendations report regarding changes to FRPA, that will be submitted to the Ministry of Forest Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

Changes to the Forest & Range Practices Act Modernizing Land Use Planning
1) How can FRPA objectives set by government better reflect Indigenous values and priorities?

2) What changes are needed for FRPA values to better reflect Indigenous priorities, including cultural heritage?

3) Are there any values missing from the current list, identified by the Province under FRPA?

4) What are your priorities?
1) Do you have a Land Use Plan for your territory?

2) What do you need to participate in the Provincial initiative to modernize land use planning and development of LUPs for a timber supply area? E.g. financial resources, technological support, training, etc.

3) What processes are needed to support the inclusion of your values and management objectives in the development of Forest Land Use Plans (FLP) for a Timber Supply Area?

We are seeking input from all BC First Nations into what the priority changes to FRPA are, and if those proposed by the Province reflect your input or not. 

Some priorities reflected in previous engagement sessions with First Nations in 2019 include: 

  • the need for new practice requirements and input into changes to reflect BC First Nations’ perspectives for all resource values identified under FRPA,
  • the importance and need for resources, so all BC First Nations can develop their own land management frameworks within their territories, and
  • the need for joint decision-making regarding the establishment of objectives for resource values, and for the Province to formally recognize Land Use Plans (LUPs) developed by Nations for their territory.

Submit your input by April 30, 2020

BC First Nations are invited to submit their input by April 30, 2020 by e-mail through this link or to


March 6, 2019: First Nations Leadership Council Letter RE: Changes to Forest Policy

Dear Deputy Minister Allan,

We have a number of serious concerns regarding proposed changes by the Province to forest policy and legislation without First Nations input or engagement. This includes changes to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) submitted to Cabinet; the Refusal of Cutting Permit or Road Permit Regulation enacted on January 8, 2019; and changes to the Coastal Forest Revitalization Initiative announced on January 17, 2019. We also have concerns regarding maintenance of the status quo in the Forest Consultation and Revenue Sharing Agreement (FCRSA) mandate for 2019/2020.


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January 10, 2019: Forestry Council Response Letter to Deputy Chief Forester

RE: Reference Letter 251551, Proposed Regulatory Amendments to Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA), Winter/Spring 2020; and Act Amendment to FRPA Spring 2020

We are writing in response to your letter of November 15, 2019 regarding changes to the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA), and the specific opportunities we see to partner with the Ministry to deliver on the commitments of the current government. We first want to recognize efforts the Ministry made in the summer and fall of 2019 to work with the BC First Nations Forestry Council, and meet with Indigenous communities regarding additional amendments to FRPA.

The letter dated November 15, 2019 sent to First Nations is very technical in nature. Because of this, we would be interested in collaborating with the Ministry on helping First Nations better understand how their input was
incorporated into the proposed regulatory changes to support Bill 21, as well as engage with them on the proposed Act amendments for the Forest and Range Practices Act, in the spring 2020. We would also like to request that the timeline to review, and respond to, Bill 21 regulations be adjusted to afford a reasonable time for review, given that most Nations were closed for at least two weeks over the Christmas holidays.

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Become a member of the Forestry Council

By becoming a member of the BC First Nations Forestry Council, you can gain access to all of our tools and resources. 

These have been developed collaboratively with industry partners, the Province, and using direct input from Indigenous communities across BC.

Visit our membership page to find out more.


A BC & First Nations Forest Strategy

As the original stewards, and with a knowledge that goes back generations, First Nations are key players in the transformation of the forest sector in BC, addressing the economic, social, and environmental challenges of managing forest lands and resources. Click here to read the BC & First Nations Forestry Strategy.